ZEROEDGE – ZeroCoin “Cryptocurrency for Online Gambling"
Zero Edge is a decentralized online casino and an open protocol aiming at disrupt online gambling industry by offering players 0% house edge casino games, fee-less sports betting and an open source platform for building online games. Zero Edge utilizes its own token named Zerocoin which is the fundamental part of Zero Edge business model and the main driver for sustainable economy. ZeroEdge.Bet - a unique online gambling platform online based on the blockchain, with 0% home game at home, free of charge sports Platform bets and open source software to create and manage individual games for those who want to own their own Casino Online Casino casino itself is a business, not a charitable organization that spends free money. Like any other business, it has a business model designed to ensure its profitability. This game in the casino is designed to play in casinos wherever you are on the Internet. Even players also should not be more shy or confused choosing different sites that wil...