TROY - Fort Knox in your Pocket
TROY is a cryptocurrency that can be exchanged into gold or fiat. TROY is backed up by real gold, which is 20,000 oz of gold bars supplied by Bullseye Mining Limited (Australia) that can be owned by users by purchasing it using TROY tokens. TROY is developing the world’s most secure multi-function cryptocurrency wallet, whilst maintaining simplicity for inexperienced users via easy to use cross platform mobile and desktop applications. Troy’s primary mission is to use blockchain technology to provide an alternative method to raise funds in order to aid the transition of Bullseye Mining ltd, from a gold exploration company to a fully-fledged gold mining company. Troy has a technology and storage warehouse that will store Troy Gold Tokens and other cryptocurrency, storage for personal files and media. The TROY Vault is the world's leading cryptocurrency wallet in terms of security and ease of use. You don't need to worry about your assets in TROY Vault, because TROY Vau...