CRYPTOCEAN – The Ecosystem, Processing, Cryptoexchange Platform

Cryptocean is a blockchain based ecosystem that combines financial and technological services for working with crypto-currencies, digital financial assets and traditional fiat money. Cryptocean is not exactly a bank, a stock exchange, a purse or a payment service. This is something really new. Cryptocean is the
  • Synthesis, the basis, the conductor of the economy 2.0, the space for interaction between consumers and providers of financial and technological services that unite the worlds of fiat and crypto-currencies.
  • Dynamic connection of plastic payment cards to any crypto currency traded on the ecosystems that enter the ecosystem. 
  • Conversion of assets "on the fly" at a favorable rate. 
  • Payment for any goods and services using crypto currency. 
  • The ability to automatically convert funds into crypto currency when making and withdrawing cash. 

Cryptocean offers a universal service for buying, selling, exchanging and integrating cryptocurrency into real life. You can purchase cryptocurrencies with your bank card/account, get your fiat inside the service and legally transfer it to a card or a bank account. 
You can also order from us a classic plastic card (crypto card), issued together with our partner banks. It will enable you to deposit and withdraw cash from your financial and crypto accounts in regular ATMs using CRYPTOCEAN services, and also pay for purchases - goods and services – with cryptocurrency, as if you were paying with a usual bank card. All the processes of exchanging cryptocurrencies on exchanges, transferring funds from exchanges to your personal account, maintaining the limits you set, will be automatic. 
You can also pay for goods and services without a crypto card either via our mobile application using a mobile phone with an NFC chip or directly through an online store that has switched CRYPTOCEAN on as a payment system.  
The project combined a set of complementary services within the same platform - cryptographic cards, legal input and output of fiat funds, exchange, money transfers, integration with business, Escrow account, crypto account, P2P transactions, which will solve most everyday tasks of users within the platform without the need for a "zoo" "Applications. 
The mission of CRYPTOCEAN is to develop an ecosystem that combines fintech services on a legal basis to meet the needs of people and business in high-quality financial services, capable of linking the world of cryptocurrency with the world of traditional finances. 
The CRYPTOCEAN processing platform will offer the following services:
  • Crypto cards (plastic payment cards tied to a crypto-wallet); 
  • Payments (acceptance and processing of payments with cryptocurrencies for goods and services); 
  • Transfers (between multicurrency and conventional crypto-wallets); 
  • Auto payments (in accordance with the specified terms and / or request of the service provider); 
  • Escrow accounts (accounts with confirmation of transactions by the certified party); 
  • Conversion (exchange of cryptocurrencies and to fiat money); 
  • Crypto accounts (a wallet for the majority of cryptocurrencies and fiat); 
  • P2P transactions (exchange of assets via Escrow accounts and smart contracts). 
In addition to these services, the following integration is envisaged: with cryptocurrency exchanges (for ensuring best exchange cryptocurrencies rates and for combining liquidity banks), with banks (for card transactions, acquiring, payments, transfers and Escrow transactions) and with payment systems. 
The Cryptocean ecosystem is built around processing platform that unites financial and technological services based on work with cryptocurrencies, digital assets and traditional currencies (fiat). It provides suitable, quick and profitable, tranfers, and cryptocurrencies exchange by cryptocards.
The core of the ecosystem is the processing platform, developed by the CRYPTOCEAN, which provides:
  • Legality and compliance with KYC and AML procedures;
  • Entering fiat funds into the personal account of the ecosystem user;
  • The issue of plastic cards linked to the user account in the ecosystem;
  • Binding of a plastic card to a fiat, crypto or smart account;
  • Withdrawal of funds from the ecosystem to a bank account, or to a third-party plastic card;
  • Possibility to exchange Fiat, digital assets, crypto currency in any combination instantly;
  • Non-contact payments using mobile devices;
  • Payments and transfers using mobile, desktop and Internet apps;
  • Payments and transfers via instant messengers: Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, Wechat, Kakao, etc.
The possibility of the instant conversion of crypto currency into Fiat and vice versa for the implementation of B2B, B2C and B2G application services:
  • On-line shop transactions crypto currency transferring fiat funds to the current account;
  • The possibility of payment with crypto-currencies in restaurants, cafes, gas stations, trade outlets around the world;
  • Crypto currency payments of state taxes, duties and fees, etc.;
  • The possibility of regular auto payments of bills;
  • The management of crypto-wallets, accounts and keys to them are in the hands of the client, which provides additional security.
All of this processed in the integrated and well-protected blockchain based environment.
This ecosystem provides services developed by CRYPTOCEAN team, as well as services of our partners, we cooperate according to the ‘win-win principle’.
The main advantages of CRYPTOCEAN today are: 
  • Profitable commissions of our services for conducting and processing payments; 
  • Profitable rates and minimal spreads due to the effective schemes; 
  • All necessary permits for working with cryptocurrencies have been received; 
  • Agreements with banks on issuing cryptocurrency cards; 
  • Cryptocards issued in compliance to the national legislature; 
  • The ecosystem operates in compliance with the national financial regulator's rules; 
  • All transactions are legal in compliance of KYC and AML; 
  • Confirmation of the legality of the transaction (the fiat and the cryptocurrency); 
  • Our project offers services which are in high demands by the market; 
  • The high liquidity and stability are guaranteed by CRYPTOCEAN's own exchange; 
  • The long-term prospects of the ecosystem's development is guaranteed by the partnership strategy;
  • Transparent business model that provides profit to investors. 
The project carries out the CRON tokens issue as an ICO. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) – is a procedure of placing tokens at crypto exchanges. CRON is a Utility-token. That means that its owners can trade it on crypto-exchanges at the rates formed by the market and also pay for services and commissions of service.  
The total amount that we plan to raise during the ICO (Soft cap) is $25 000 000. Fundraising is planned to be carried out in three stages: 
  • Private Pre ICO for investors who are ready to enter the project at the seed stage (this stage has been completed); 
  • Public Pre ICO for investors ready to invest at an early stage; 
  • Main ICO for investors ready to invest at the stage when the first results are received. 
Private Pre-ICO
Private Pre-ICO was held on schedule (01.02.2018 - 28.02.2018). $797 320,85 (159% of SoftCap) was raised. The discount on tokens for the investors at the Private Pre-ICO stage was from 50% to 80%. 
  • Soft cap: $500 000 
  • Hard cap: $1 000 000 
Public Pre-ICO
The Public Pre-ICO is held for investors who are ready to invest in the project at an early stage, when the project team is already formed, partners are involved, work has been started on the project implementation and funds are required for its further development. 
The purpose of raising funds is to finance the creation of the main CRYPTOCEAN services and the assembling a partnership network, on the basis of which the CRYPTOCEAN ecosystem will be formed. 
At the stage of the Public Pre-ICO 1 198 314 479 CRON tokens will be offered to achieve a total sum of $10,000,000 (hardcap).
  • Light cap: $3 000 000 
  • Soft cap: $5 000 000 
  • Hard cap: $10 000 000 
  • Start: 15.05.2018 
  • Finish: 15.07.2018 
The Main ICO is held for investors willing to invest in the project at the stage when the basic services have been implemented, the partners have been engaged, the team has been put together, there are first tangible results, series of elements of the project are fully functioning, the work on the project continues. Additional funds are required for further development. 
The purpose of the fundraising is to finance the development of the main services, the launch of secondary ones and the development of the partnership network on the basis of which a full-fledged CRYPTOCEAN ecosystem will be formed. 
At the stage of the Main ICO 6 424 925 346 CRON tokens will be implemented, in order to achieve the total amount of $70 000 000 (hardcap).
  • Light cap: $15 000 000 
  • Soft cap: $25 000 000 
  • Hard cap: $70 000 000
  • Start: 01.08.2018 
  • Finish: 25.09.2018 
For more information, please visit:

Author: JigaMola


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