FLETA - Gateway to ERC20-compatible, Personalized, Gas-free Blockchain

FLETA is the blockchain service platform which aims to provide the technology and business support services to DApp developers who build their projects in the FLETA ecosystem. FLETA’s blockchain network has been designed to actualize the real ‘decentralization’ and contribute to the advancement of the blockchain ecosystem, by enhancing the independence and scalability of DApps.
FLETA provides the function to create a customized subchain for each DApp, where the transaction of its token and assets can be made. Run through its own network, each DApp can update independently based on its own governance, frontend and backend development environment.
Blockchain application hasn’t reached its full potential and it’s hard to tell when it will be a widely-accepted technology. However, one thing is sure, blockchain is taking big strides forward, not only with cryptocurrency but also in other areas of dApp development.
Decentralized application of blockchain in cryptocurrency has enabled people who never had the chance to access alternative income sources to apply the distributed ledger technology and access value in a new way. For example, Bitcoin, the world’s largest distributed application is using the internet to connect people on the same cryptocurrency platform.
FLETA is a worldwide mainnet venture with accomplices and system which incorporate Europe (Malta, Switzerland, England, and Poland among several others), Asia (Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore among several others), Australia and America. FLETA has accumulated worldwide acknowledgment through going to conferences and meetups in Europe and Asia and getting check of their innovation. In the primary quarter of 2019 FLETA plans to dispatch their Beta Testnet and have it accessible to people in general so as to have their innovation further checked and reviewed.
In particular, alongside the opening of the Beta Testnet, FLETA will dispatch a DApp game that they created so as to give developers and ordinary clients an opportunity to straightforwardly encounter FLETA's administration. FLETA is expecting to dispatch their mainnet in the second quarter of 2019 with the objective of encouraging a supportable DApp ecosystem.
FLETA project aims to provide a service platform like Google Android or Apple iOS in blockchain, supporting the efficient development and operation of DApps for constructing a blockchain based app ecosystem, along with continuous technological innovations. This includes resolving the issues in developing and operating DApps through Ethereum or EOS and providing a perfect decentralized economy through DApp independence and scalability.
It starts from simply lightening the burden of GAS or STAKE and increasing transaction speeds. Ultimately, the goal is to construct a sustainable ecosystem with the users by achieving, combining, and expanding the objectives of all projects.
Technologies of Fleta
- Independent Multi-Chain Structure
FLETA utilizes an independent multi-chain structure, with the existence of a sub-chain apart from the main-chain, resolving the main-chain overload issue and reducing excessive fees both for developers and users. That is, by separating the performance of the main-chain and the data domain, each DApp is operated independently, without being mutually influenced, leading to a limitless number of DApps being available. This in turn, results in the reduction of excessive development costs of DApps and execution fees caused by using DApps.
- PoF Proof-of-Formulation
FLETA developed a new consensus model, preventing unnecessary fork, along with an improved speed, which distinguishes itself from the existing consensus models like Staking. This new consensus model is called PoF(Proof-of Formulation), consenting the order of block mining and creating blocks in such order. The spreading range of blocks is reduced, which makes the creation and dissemination of blocks more rapid. Moreover, real-time confirmation can be attained through observer node, also preventing potential unnecessary fork.
- Block Redesign
Block’s structure is the pillar of the blockchain, which directly leads to the processing speed and storage capacity. FLETA has redesigned the block structure, which had been used since the initial stages. This was accomplished by reducing the blocksize by 43% and at the same time reducing the size of index, which is needed for operation. Thus, the processing speed became 1.8 times faster and data size has been optimally reduced, making the structure more efficient.
- LEVEL Tree Validation
Unlike the Merkle Tree validation, which is constantly undergoing a great deal of calculation, FLETA adopted the LEVEL Tree validation. Reducing the size by 90%, the LEVEL Tree validation carries out a high quality transaction validation process with less data reception, concurrently increasing the speed of the process by more than 5 times.
- Parallel Sharding
The Sharding Algorithm, which FLETA developed, can be operated in parallel, without double spending, as each shard is separated so that the data is not shared among them. Additionally, the enhancement of TPS is achieved with the increase in the number of shards, along with the enhancement of TPS in each shard, making FLETA process 20,000 transactions per second. We are proud to report that this is the fastest TPS of individual shards among existing blockchain projects.
Why choose Fleta?
- Programmers Prioritzed Ecosystem
FLETA's new Proof-of-Formulation consensus algorithm comprises of blocks generators (known as Formulators) that propose blocks to be mined on the blockchain. For each block that is effectively proposed, Formulators are remunerated in FLETA tokens for their work. All FLETA token holders may fill in as Formulators allowed that they stake and lockup a specific sum of FLETA tokens for a set timeframe in a "Detailing Account". At the point when the essential measure of FLETA tokens has been locked, they may join the system as a Formulator hub(hub) and begin producing blocks in order to earn FLETA tokens.
- Mining
FLETA tokens can be earned as blocks rewards. As the lock of a specific measure of FLETA tokens is required to wind up a formulator hub, FLETA's blocks mining model gives a balancing out impact to the quantity of tokens accessible available at some random time. The more prominent number of formulators that there are inside the system results in more FLETA tokens being locked up, and this fills in as a speed and supply sink that balances out the token cost.
- System Transactions
A level of the expenses from the majority of the exchanges made all through the system. Consequently, hubs who join the system early will be repaid with procuring a higher level of all out blocks rewards and exchange expenses all through the system.
- DApps
Decentralized applications gangs' incredible potential for industry that need adaptability. By and by, there exist rivalry among online crypto stages inside digital currency stage; it has cleared immaculate ways where DApps stage can take off.
- Transactions Systems
As a stage that is exchange empowered, clients will probably make their exchange easy through a framework like this. Therefore, clients who join this biological system at its beginning period will be compensated with a higher squares level which will all be trade and remunerated all through this environment.
- Blockchain Security
With blockchain specialized system, new client and organizations' will probably work practically, with security FLETA will almost certainly set up strategy, development backing, legal guiding and publicizing administrations without dread of programmers of client profile.
Fleta Token
DApps with token issued in the FLETA platform are operated in their own independent chain, not in the mainchain. That is, token economy is actualized through various consensus mode selected by each and every DApp developer. Each DApp’s token can be rewarded independently through a preferred consensus model (PoW, PoS or voting process is included, but not limited to these). Token economy is a driving force of FLETA and its DApps, providing motivation for various utility tokens to get on board with FLETA.
FLETA, as a blockchain platform, provides a service model to DApp developers such as chain technology, token generation, and an environment for developing smart-contracts and developer portals. DApp tokens in FLETA are mined under certain token economy system of DApps depending on their own parameter value. Additionally, the mining reward and execution fee can be customized based on the preference of each DApp. This function is made possible after the initial generation of token through the Smart Contract, which is called Token. Update on the rewarding system is made through the update in Smart Contract using DApp governance, which concurrently means that update can be done without fork, swap, wallet update or any pauses.
In the case of Smart Contracts, FLETA supports not only Solidity, but also Java Script and Go language. The token economy of the DApp will proceed with the PoF's token economy algorithm, but depending on the decision of the DApp developer, the mining part can be removed, or the setting part of the mining amount or progress can be changed. It also provides the option to borrow PoF’s and PoS’s algorithms to set up similar mechanisms for activation, although they are not directly connected to block generation.
Token Details
- Hardcap: 30 million USD
- Total Token Supply: 10B
- Private & Public Sale: 2.5B (25%)
- Reserve Fund: 4.2B (42%)
- Marketing: 1.0B (10%)
- Advisors & Partners: 1.0B (10%)
- Founders & Teams: 1.3B (13%)


For more information, please visit:
Website: http://www.fleta.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.fleta.io/download/190410_FLETA_Buisness_Whitepaper_ENG_Web.pdf
Techpaper: https://www.fleta.io/download/181024-TechWhitepaper_EN_V2-web.pdf
Github: https://github.com/fletaio
Medium: https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain
Telegram: https://t.me/FLETAofficialGroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@fletachain
kakaotalk : https://open.kakao.com/o/gDDjvgN
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9HFP_upl0jPuK7UWSWZsAg
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@fletachain
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleta/
Whitepaper: https://www.fleta.io/download/190410_FLETA_Buisness_Whitepaper_ENG_Web.pdf
Techpaper: https://www.fleta.io/download/181024-TechWhitepaper_EN_V2-web.pdf
Github: https://github.com/fletaio
Medium: https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain
Telegram: https://t.me/FLETAofficialGroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@fletachain
kakaotalk : https://open.kakao.com/o/gDDjvgN
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9HFP_upl0jPuK7UWSWZsAg
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@fletachain
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleta/
Author: JigaMola
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143
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